Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The realest post ever? OMG ..real hate in my heart

I've always wanted to be the best at what ever i do in life..and then there always those suckers who always hate on me, I wonder what or who influences them to gain that hatred towards me? People need to understand that i live my life..so stop hating, honestly if i was a hater i would hate to see myself everyday. I'd wake up every morning and express that to my family, then let all of my buddies know that i'm a hater and i hate myself.There is no reason why you should want to hate..why would you want to hate? You must have a problem to dislike someone for a non legit reason, and thats something im clearly not ok with.

People need to just live there life and start realizing how much there thoughts dont affect others, just go to school, go to the gym. do your homework, hang  out with freinds, go on youtube, get on facebook, go jog somewhere..be productive and stop hating. Its funny seeing people who are haters because you can tell there hating and they know you know that there hating so they want you to adress them about it...but i dont take that route. And whats funny about haters are that they can be anyone, teachers can hate..parents can hate..coaches can hate, theres no age limit for haters you can even be hated on by the elderly. Animals can even hate on you if your really paying attention. THERE ARE HATERS IN ALL SHAPES IN FORMS..WATCH FOR THE HATERS!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

{free} Timess aree Horid

An injury is something that you definitley dont want to have, I can tell you that from personal expirience aswell. I had to undergo knee surgery earlier in the year and i really regret getting injured, its sets you back so much as far as bodily functions. I have a pain that i feel in my knee when i do almost anything, I really hope that the pain i feel isnt permanent but i have a feeling that my doctor will give me the news i wasnt expecting to hear . And i really miss the explosiveness i used to have, i used to be able to dunk with no problem..now because of the surgery I have to build my left leg back up to the way it was before.

Im doing physical therapy to help bring the full range of motion back, i usually do alot of stretches and exercises for a couple of hours. I plan to have my full range of motion back before the basketball season starts, i dont want to have any set backs for my first season on varsity. And i dont wanna have to play in any games and feel the pain that i do now, that will really affect my playing time and my contributions to the team. I think that at 100% i could play a big role in the productivity of the team, we dont have to much height and im one of the tallest that will play on the team this year so i'll provide length as well. The health of my knee will determine how positive my future is in sports.