Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The realest post ever? OMG ..real hate in my heart

I've always wanted to be the best at what ever i do in life..and then there always those suckers who always hate on me, I wonder what or who influences them to gain that hatred towards me? People need to understand that i live my life..so stop hating, honestly if i was a hater i would hate to see myself everyday. I'd wake up every morning and express that to my family, then let all of my buddies know that i'm a hater and i hate myself.There is no reason why you should want to hate..why would you want to hate? You must have a problem to dislike someone for a non legit reason, and thats something im clearly not ok with.

People need to just live there life and start realizing how much there thoughts dont affect others, just go to school, go to the gym. do your homework, hang  out with freinds, go on youtube, get on facebook, go jog somewhere..be productive and stop hating. Its funny seeing people who are haters because you can tell there hating and they know you know that there hating so they want you to adress them about it...but i dont take that route. And whats funny about haters are that they can be anyone, teachers can hate..parents can hate..coaches can hate, theres no age limit for haters you can even be hated on by the elderly. Animals can even hate on you if your really paying attention. THERE ARE HATERS IN ALL SHAPES IN FORMS..WATCH FOR THE HATERS!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

{free} Timess aree Horid

An injury is something that you definitley dont want to have, I can tell you that from personal expirience aswell. I had to undergo knee surgery earlier in the year and i really regret getting injured, its sets you back so much as far as bodily functions. I have a pain that i feel in my knee when i do almost anything, I really hope that the pain i feel isnt permanent but i have a feeling that my doctor will give me the news i wasnt expecting to hear . And i really miss the explosiveness i used to have, i used to be able to dunk with no problem..now because of the surgery I have to build my left leg back up to the way it was before.

Im doing physical therapy to help bring the full range of motion back, i usually do alot of stretches and exercises for a couple of hours. I plan to have my full range of motion back before the basketball season starts, i dont want to have any set backs for my first season on varsity. And i dont wanna have to play in any games and feel the pain that i do now, that will really affect my playing time and my contributions to the team. I think that at 100% i could play a big role in the productivity of the team, we dont have to much height and im one of the tallest that will play on the team this year so i'll provide length as well. The health of my knee will determine how positive my future is in sports.

Monday, September 26, 2011

[CE] GSW basketball..on the horizon?

New president for the Golden state warriors...so does that mean lets go warriors?

The warriors hiering a new president could either take team in the wrong direction..or take them to the best postion they've ever been in. The past owner for the warriors Robert rowell had his job filled in by former phoenix suns owner Rick Welts, Rick startedout as a ball boy for the seatlle supersonics in 1969. He spent 17 years working in nba offices before joining the suns, and in his 9 years there he produced 5 50 plus win seasons and three trips to the Western Confernece Finals.

Welts has 36 years of experience, I think that Ricky can bring Golden State to were they plan to be. With his experience and what i saw him create with the suns leads me to think that the production will be alot more than the previous years. The suns have been a top contender in the Western Conference for a number of years..always a very tough game when they play against the lakers. The president change might change the attendance rate aswell, The warriors have always had a ok amount of supporters. But if the gameplay of the team proggresses from previous years and the media hypes up Ricky and all of his ideas that he brought to the team then more people will attend the games. I hope to see the warriors do well this upcoming season..not for my sake..but for the whole bay areas.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


"Coming off of a tough loss last week from former section champs Northgate, the alameda hornets football team bouces back with a triumphpant win over the San Lorenzo Rebels."
I was at the alameda vs san Lorenzo game and i can say that the chemistry was really there for alameda, Everyone on the team made solid plays that contributed to the hornets win. You could tell from the first Forced fumble from Adham Awa that the game would end up going in the hornets favor. And the spectacular running from Sulimain Hameed just put the nail in the coffin.

You could see the desire in the eyes of the hornet players after every big play, I think what brought about that desire was the last weeks lost against northgate. They know they had that game also, but it was just alot of miscues that kept them from getting the W. They make adjustments and came out focused against northgate and it all payed off, The defense was great..holding the rebels offense no points. Offensively the hornets produced 45 points! The quarterback, Antonio Manibussan throwing for 107 yrds made a larg contribuition and the Wideout Zac Alfers catching for 71 yrds and to top it off Sulaiman Hameed rushing for 101 yrds. The hornets have a good team and there looking to extend there winning streak against Encinal in the Island bowl this week.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The epic ipod search..in the basement..the FINAL VERSIONN

Jonathan Fischer is taking steps down his own basement hoping that he can find his ipod. The steps are very old wooden and kind of slippery, Jonathan almost falls on his way down. As he takes more and more steps down you begin to hear the the cracking noises on the stairs. Hes almost down to the basement floor but then he runs into spiderwebs..then starts to scream in terror for about 30 seconds. After he regathers his composure he continues on down to the basement floor.

Earlier that day at school during lunch time jonathan was at school his freind Brandon let him borrow his pink ipod touch, but when jonathan came home after school he went down to his basement to get his mothers red and black purse that she had left. When he went down to get the purse for his mom he had on a pair of blue and red shorts on and those had holes in the pocket area. So on his way back upstairs from getting the shorts he slipped and fell on the second to last step and the itouch fell out. So when Jonathan made it to his basement floor he took about 5 steps towards the left and he feels a very dusty object, as he takes his fingers lower and lower he feels a cool sensation on them. Then as he presses down he hears a sudden sound..then he realizes that its the old grand piano his mom bought awhile back. After the sounds from piano fade away he takes a couple more steps towards the right and then he hears a sudden sound from the direction of the stairs, its his mom reminding him that were going out to dinner at pier 39 in about an hour. Jonathan responds to her and after the response he continues looking for the itouch, after walking around for about 15 minutes you hear a big THUD...and then followed by a "FUCKK"..Jonathan ran his big toe into one of the long pipes that run through the basement to upstairs. After the pain goes away he collects himself then proceeds on with his journey.

He recives a phone call from his freind Brandon. He answers and Brandon asks: "what time will you be be able to bring it tomorrow?" and jonathan says: "around lunch time". After jonathans done with the phone call he’s more eager than ever to find that itouch. He back tracks his steps to find where the basement steps are then he takes a seat, after awhile of sitting on that same dusty basement step frustration begins to come upon him. He was getting ready to call brandon back and reschedule a time to give the itouch back...but then an Idea popped into his brain! He figured why doesn’t he just use the backlight on his iphone to get some light and find where  Brandon’s itouch is..he'd done that before to find his moms purse. He unlocked his phone and began to use the light, he walked past all the previous places he had stopped before and looked in other places. Then he walked back towards the steps and underneath them there was a pink shiny object..which was Brandon’s itouch

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

(FREE) The IMPORTANCE of hygiene

I think that hygiene is a  key component in life..I just wish that everyone would share my ideals. Honestly if there was ever a day where i didnt brush my teeth or clean my body in the morning then i wouldnt go to school. Unfortunately not everyone cares about there self image like i do, i just cant see how people can go to school with bad body odor and beyond acceptable breath. And the kind of person i am I wont tell them about it, so its just torture for me having to put up with it. Theres really not to big of a hassle to clean your self up, I dont know if most people are too lazy..or they just dont care but there shouldnt be a reason why you smell like a waste land.

Please dont think that I'm making this post out of humor, just releasing something thats been buring inside of me for the majority of my life. If your reading this post and you know you have bad hygiene then please make strides at changing that. But when you do read this and you decide to make that transformation just remember your not doing this for me..its YOU your doing this for. You should want to smell bearable no matter how lazy or how much you dont feel like doing it. Still keep in mind what i told you in my last sentence, but the next time you figure that oh "one day of smelling like a sewer wont kill anyone" just remember this post :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

JonFdegeneres: About YB

JonFdegeneres: About YB: My names Jonathan Fifer, I really dont have to many hobbies..i live the ideal, boring life for a kid my age. I workout when i can or im atte...

JonFdegeneres: Esscellphocials

JonFdegeneres: Esscellphocials: Cell phones are clearly priorty for most teens nowadays, you cant really mention teenagers and not bring up cell phones in the same sentence...


Cell phones are clearly priorty for most teens nowadays, you cant really mention teenagers and not bring up cell phones in the same sentence. I mean as much as we can try to avoid it cell phones will always play a big role in our society amongst us youths, but then again..what can you really do without them? There one of are  main forms of communication beisdes the numerous social netowrking sites there are. And on top of all of that are teachers are now requiring that we have phones for certain assignments so thats makes phones even more of a sought after device for us kids. Honestly you cant really blame the youths for this techonological outbreak, i'd be putting this on the companies out there. With there countless commercials and slogans and such, they make it so appealing to the customers that they realy have no choice but to purchase. But im not saying that us as customers cant say no to these offers that are presented to us..just that with americas standards nowadays you'd seem like an outkast to eveyone if you didnt buy the newest iphone or blackberry. From what i can see now, at the rate were going as far as technology..cellphones are only getting better, so if there was any thoughts in anyones minds about this "cellular epidemic" coming to an end i'd tell them this is just the beginning. Technology runs this world..and i dont see an end coming to it anytime soon.

About YB

My names Jonathan Fifer, I really dont have to many hobbies..i live the ideal, boring life for a kid my age. I workout when i can or im attempting to do homework. Eventhough i have a interest for athletics..I just cant see myslef not playing video games. And if im not working out then im probobly at basketball practice or football practice, Im recovered from the surgery i had earlier this year that i suffered during the football season. I had a German Sheppard when i was about 5..but then it died 3 years later, Im the youngest of 5 and im a pretty honest person. People say im humorous but i just think i speak the truth..and people find that funny for some strange reason. Im always there for my freinds, i'd feel bad if its was ever a time my friend needed something that was in my power that i could help him with and i didnt. I dont think theres one thing in life that actually makes me legit angry, but when i do occasionally get upset i just think about how much longer i have to live and it all just goes out the window. I procrasinate fairly often, Its so bad sometimes to the point that i almost make myself belive that theres something else i should be doing besides the task at hand. But its okay i end up doing it all sooner or later, I'm looking for to very positive things this sophmore year and in the upcoming years that i'll be attending alameda high school.