Thursday, September 8, 2011


Cell phones are clearly priorty for most teens nowadays, you cant really mention teenagers and not bring up cell phones in the same sentence. I mean as much as we can try to avoid it cell phones will always play a big role in our society amongst us youths, but then again..what can you really do without them? There one of are  main forms of communication beisdes the numerous social netowrking sites there are. And on top of all of that are teachers are now requiring that we have phones for certain assignments so thats makes phones even more of a sought after device for us kids. Honestly you cant really blame the youths for this techonological outbreak, i'd be putting this on the companies out there. With there countless commercials and slogans and such, they make it so appealing to the customers that they realy have no choice but to purchase. But im not saying that us as customers cant say no to these offers that are presented to us..just that with americas standards nowadays you'd seem like an outkast to eveyone if you didnt buy the newest iphone or blackberry. From what i can see now, at the rate were going as far as technology..cellphones are only getting better, so if there was any thoughts in anyones minds about this "cellular epidemic" coming to an end i'd tell them this is just the beginning. Technology runs this world..and i dont see an end coming to it anytime soon.

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