Monday, September 26, 2011

[CE] GSW basketball..on the horizon?

New president for the Golden state does that mean lets go warriors?

The warriors hiering a new president could either take team in the wrong direction..or take them to the best postion they've ever been in. The past owner for the warriors Robert rowell had his job filled in by former phoenix suns owner Rick Welts, Rick startedout as a ball boy for the seatlle supersonics in 1969. He spent 17 years working in nba offices before joining the suns, and in his 9 years there he produced 5 50 plus win seasons and three trips to the Western Confernece Finals.

Welts has 36 years of experience, I think that Ricky can bring Golden State to were they plan to be. With his experience and what i saw him create with the suns leads me to think that the production will be alot more than the previous years. The suns have been a top contender in the Western Conference for a number of years..always a very tough game when they play against the lakers. The president change might change the attendance rate aswell, The warriors have always had a ok amount of supporters. But if the gameplay of the team proggresses from previous years and the media hypes up Ricky and all of his ideas that he brought to the team then more people will attend the games. I hope to see the warriors do well this upcoming season..not for my sake..but for the whole bay areas.

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