Tuesday, September 20, 2011


"Coming off of a tough loss last week from former section champs Northgate, the alameda hornets football team bouces back with a triumphpant win over the San Lorenzo Rebels."
I was at the alameda vs san Lorenzo game and i can say that the chemistry was really there for alameda, Everyone on the team made solid plays that contributed to the hornets win. You could tell from the first Forced fumble from Adham Awa that the game would end up going in the hornets favor. And the spectacular running from Sulimain Hameed just put the nail in the coffin.

You could see the desire in the eyes of the hornet players after every big play, I think what brought about that desire was the last weeks lost against northgate. They know they had that game also, but it was just alot of miscues that kept them from getting the W. They make adjustments and came out focused against northgate and it all payed off, The defense was great..holding the rebels offense no points. Offensively the hornets produced 45 points! The quarterback, Antonio Manibussan throwing for 107 yrds made a larg contribuition and the Wideout Zac Alfers catching for 71 yrds and to top it off Sulaiman Hameed rushing for 101 yrds. The hornets have a good team and there looking to extend there winning streak against Encinal in the Island bowl this week.

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