Tuesday, September 13, 2011

(FREE) The IMPORTANCE of hygiene

I think that hygiene is a  key component in life..I just wish that everyone would share my ideals. Honestly if there was ever a day where i didnt brush my teeth or clean my body in the morning then i wouldnt go to school. Unfortunately not everyone cares about there self image like i do, i just cant see how people can go to school with bad body odor and beyond acceptable breath. And the kind of person i am I wont tell them about it, so its just torture for me having to put up with it. Theres really not to big of a hassle to clean your self up, I dont know if most people are too lazy..or they just dont care but there shouldnt be a reason why you smell like a waste land.

Please dont think that I'm making this post out of humor, just releasing something thats been buring inside of me for the majority of my life. If your reading this post and you know you have bad hygiene then please make strides at changing that. But when you do read this and you decide to make that transformation just remember your not doing this for me..its YOU your doing this for. You should want to smell bearable no matter how lazy or how much you dont feel like doing it. Still keep in mind what i told you in my last sentence, but the next time you figure that oh "one day of smelling like a sewer wont kill anyone" just remember this post :)