Thursday, September 8, 2011

About YB

My names Jonathan Fifer, I really dont have to many hobbies..i live the ideal, boring life for a kid my age. I workout when i can or im attempting to do homework. Eventhough i have a interest for athletics..I just cant see myslef not playing video games. And if im not working out then im probobly at basketball practice or football practice, Im recovered from the surgery i had earlier this year that i suffered during the football season. I had a German Sheppard when i was about 5..but then it died 3 years later, Im the youngest of 5 and im a pretty honest person. People say im humorous but i just think i speak the truth..and people find that funny for some strange reason. Im always there for my freinds, i'd feel bad if its was ever a time my friend needed something that was in my power that i could help him with and i didnt. I dont think theres one thing in life that actually makes me legit angry, but when i do occasionally get upset i just think about how much longer i have to live and it all just goes out the window. I procrasinate fairly often, Its so bad sometimes to the point that i almost make myself belive that theres something else i should be doing besides the task at hand. But its okay i end up doing it all sooner or later, I'm looking for to very positive things this sophmore year and in the upcoming years that i'll be attending alameda high school.

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